Sembach Air Base
Hahn Air Base
Bitburg Air Base
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Camp Happiness
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The MM-1
Home Page
The People at Bitburg
Maintenance and Support
The Mace B people |
Jim Larimer - GSC |
Al "Robbie" Robinson - GSC |
Jim Larimer and Bill Krebs - GSC |
Ted Jarvi - GSC |
Bob Bailey - TEMS |
Leonard Estrada - Flight Controls |
Ray Sacramone - AGE |
Ed Peck - AGE |
Hank Akers, GSC
In the movies, it was always poker. In real life, it was pinochle!
From left, Larry Emerson, Dave Snider, Jim Larimer, Dennis Robbins and Willy Willems. (We drank Fundador Spanish brandy.
It was like $1.29 a gallon at the class 6 store back then. Try it now!) |
A page from the Mindling's infamous coloring book, circa 1963.
Ira (Denny) Young - AGE (ira@irayoung.com) |
Jean Davis - GSC
The only person I ever met that recovered his own stolen car.
He beat the thief rather soundly and got a pat on the back from the German Police!
Carnel Mickey, 585th Support Squadron.
Anyone who had one of his omelettes at the MSA chow hall in Oberweis
knew they were in the best Open Mess in the USAF.
 Ted Jarvi, GSC, models the baby blue, naugahyde fake leather, non-issue but none-the-less-mandatory ball caps of Detachment 3, 38th Missile Maintenace Squadron.
Barracks life! Ted Jarvi (GSC), Jean Davis (GSC), George Mindling (F/C), Gerry King (MEMS)
Tom Edwards and Dennis Robbins, both MEMS
| John Sgro, AGE
Jim Garrett and Garland Stevens, both GSC
Cookout at MSA - Pinkerton (TEMS), Hank Akers, (GSC), Carnel Mickey (585th SS)
Al Breckinridge, GSC
| Jean Davis, GSC
George Grant in front of Jean Davis's Opel
|  Jerry Brenner, GSC
From left to right: Nieson DeAngelo, Edwin Davis, Dave Cameron, Gerry King, all MEMS/TEMS, and an unidentified Martin Company Tech Rep.
Photo courtesy of Mike Wilczynski (mjwilczynski@wideopenwest.com)
Oscar McNeese, Bob Bailey & Larry Telles. All from TEMS. 1964
Photo coutesy of Bob Bailey (bob33510@yahoo.com)
"Well, just how many cylinders does a Simca Aronde have, anyway?" Bill Krebs and Len Calkins, both GSC
 MEMS/TEMS - 1963
From left: Clifford Lewis, ?, Al Breckinridge, Jim Hawkins, Elbert Regtuyt, Tom Edwards,
Robert Daughenbaugh, Robert Storms, Glenn (Dutch) Jones
Photo courtesy of Jim Hawkins (jayjhawk@swbell.net)
Roger Jones, left, and Garland Stevens, standing, with Ken Kinkel seated in the foreground, all GSC
Ray Sacramone (AGE) in the Christmas spirit, 1963

Continuing Education from the Field Training Detachment.
From Left: Instructor William Inverso, Mike Wylczynski, Jim Fitzgerald, and Don Hunter.
Photo coutesy of Mike Wilczynski (mjwilczynski@wideopenwest.com)
"The 71 TMS bowling team in 1963/1964.
We led the base intramural league all year and locked in first place
with seven weeks left in the league. We were the best intramural
bowling team in USAFE that year. Standing left to right; Ted Magliery,
Ed Gardner, Larry Emerson, Harold "Lucky" Loe, Gary Haynie, Joe Green.
Kneeling; unknown civilian presenting First Place trophy to First
Sergeant and team captain, Art Forster. Not Pictured was Joe Harper."
"The team name was Krachmachers
(noisemakers) and the graphic on the back of our shirts was a mushroom
cloud. (We did catch some flack over that, too.)"
Larry Emerson (lemerson@swbell.net)
Above - New Years Eve 1962, Bitburg Air Base NCO Club
From left: Fitzgerald, Ray Sacramone, Bob Wolf, Dan Pond, Ed Peck, Bill Krebs, Jim Larimer,
Mike Wilczynski, Gerry King, and Gene Davis.
 The MEMS group enjoys a night at the NCO club, 1963. Among the guests are "Red" & Mary O'Neal, Mike & Carolyn Wilczynski, Yvonne Robinson, "Kitty" & Warren Davis, Lee & Karen Owens, Sue Fitzgerald, and Alpha Sullivan.
If you can add names, let us know!
A2C Vic Shoepe displays the M-1 carbine most of the Mace B guys got to know real well.
M-1 racks were in each work section during the Cuban Missile Crisis as all personnel were also
used as Outside Security Alert Teams.
The maintenance personnel even trained on BARs, though never at the firing range,
and even had a .30 calibre Johnson Machine gun manned during Alerts!
The combat helmets used by GSC and Flight Controls
were painted the oddest color ever put on a military helmet. The helmets were in sad
shape when received from storage, so Lt. Arcieri gave the task of painting the helmets
to Jim Larimer, GSC. At that time, Olive Drab was not found on US Air Bases, so Larimer
concocted a color from greys, greens and black. When shown the freshly painted helmets,
Lt. Arcieri said flatly, "They're too shiny! Make them less shiny!" Being resourceful,
and perhaps fed up. Larimer took the all the coffee grounds out of the 40 cup percolator
and added them to the paint. Not that they came out great, but they were different.
Photo by Vic Shoepe (jgshoepe@cs.com) |
 George Mindling, FC, and Hank Akers, GSC, after
returning from marching in the Patton Remembrance Day Parade, Ettelbruck,
Luxemburg, 1963 |
 Len Calkins - GSC
"So this is the Rhein?" |
Octoberfest at the NCO Club.
From Left: Vic Shoepe, GSC; Jim Morrison, Flight Controls; Chris Sappington, Flight Controls; Chuck Kennedy, GSC;
Kneeling: The future Mrs. King and Elliot Eisman. The finger belongs to R.E. Long |
Tom Campbell - GSC at Shutdown, 30 April 1969
More to Come...
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George Mindling - Port Charlotte, Florida
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